Listing description What is Arsenopyrite? Arsenopyrite is an iron arsenic sulfide. It is the most common arsenic mineral and the primary ore of arsenic metal. Detailed description Arsenopyrite is most often found as a hydrothermal vein mineral and sometimes as a mineral of contact metamorphism. It is sometimes referred to in old texts as "mispickel". Physical Properties of Arsenopyrite Chemical Classification sulfide Color silver white to steel gray Streak dark grayish black Luster metallic Diaphaneity opaque Cleavage poor Mohs Hardness 5.5 to 6 Specific Gravity 5.9 to 6.2 Diagnostic Properties smells like garlic when crushed, crystal form Chemical Composition iron arsenic sulfide, FeAsS Crystal System monoclinic Uses poison...
A divalent element, beryllium is found naturally only combined with other elements in minerals. Notable gemstones which contain beryllium include beryl ( aquamarine , emerald ) and chrysoberyl . The free element is a steel-gray, strong, lightweight brittle alkaline earth metal . It is primarily used as a hardening agent in alloys , notably beryllium copper . Structurally, beryllium's very low density (1.85 times that of water), high melting point (1287 °C), high temperature stability and low coefficient of thermal expansion, make it in many ways an ideal aerospace material, and it has been used in rocket nozzles and is a significant component of planned space telescopes. Detailed description Because of its relatively high transparency to X-rays and other ionizing radiation types, beryllium also has a number of uses as filters and windows for radiation and particle physics experiments. Commercial use of beryllium m...